
Acute symptoms are symptoms that come on quickly and resolve themselves in a short period of time.

Some examples of acute symptoms

  • Fevers
  • Flu
  • Injuries; accidents, broken bones, ankle pain, sprains etc
  • Insect stings
  • Cuts, bruises
  • Vomiting and diarrhea

and many more. If acute issues come up, it is helpful to have a homeopathic kit on hand so you have immediate access to the remedies when needed.  If you live close to a health food store or another store that sells single homeopathic remedies this is a big help as well or your homeopath can send you the remedies, however, this will take time to arrive. It is always best to have a homeopathic kit at home.

If you have an acute condition and would like to talk, contact me to make an appointment.


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